Saturday, November 12

prayer for my brother

While reading through the book "The Cross & the Switchblade" by David Wilkerson, I was reminded of my now-25-year old younger brother (Nichole, whom I address as Col, but others call him Nico).  It's not like he was ever in such horrible gangs like the boys in New York that the late Reverend David Wilkerson got to assist and point to Jesus….but wait, I think he could have been.  Actually, I don't know all the details and history of my brother's dealings with gangs.  But I do know that he had been involved with certain gang(s) and had gone to jail/juvenile hall a couple of times or so for fights and all that.  I do know, and can see the lasting effects and consequences of such destructive influences in a life.  It is absolutely un-necessary!  And it rips apart the life of the one who got involved, and the lives around that life.  It completely kills and destroys.  It keeps one captive to the chains of the devil.  In fact, the author of the book describes the devil (whose goal is to kill and destroy) as behind the needle and the narcotics of a drug addict, the mastermind of gang-hood.

As I was reading through the book, I thought of my brother.  He's now back in the Philippines (where we were born and lived and grew up).  He's now a father of 3 daughters - and sadly, separated from his first 2 daughters, uninvolved in their lives.  I see in him rebellion against the Lord.  I see in him selfishness and lack of love and consideration for others, but himself.  But then again, how can one truly and sincerely and altruistically love others if he himself/she herself does not even love God? (Romans 1:18-32).  And please don't say that you love God, but yet your life does not reflect that you do love God.  The Lord Jesus says in the Bible: 
If you love me, you will obey me (John 14:23-24).

Well, anyway. I was reminded of my brother a lot while reading through the book, and my heart was hurting for him, crying out to the Lord to please save him.  I was remembering the promise in the Bible found in Isaiah 59:1  
The arm of the Lord is not too short to save; 
nor His ears too dull to hear.

I stand in this promise for my brother, and for all.  Although in my eyes he has gone so far from the Lord's embrace and has gone too deep into sin and pride, it is amazing to be reminded of the scripture above.  

Below is a video I had made back in August 2008 with tears rolling down my eyes (in fervent prayer for my brother).  I made it thinking it would simply be a funny memory-lane video gift for him for his birthday.  In the process of making it, the song from Casting Crowns called "Prayer for a Friend" came to my mind.  I ended up using this song in the video, which then changed the original funny idea to a fervent prayer for a lost brother.  

Please join me in praying for my lost brother - that he would come to a place and time in his life of true repentance and conviction, and realization of his need of a Savior to save him from the path he is on that leads to destruction and eternal condemnation in hell, completely separated from God's love and mercy forever, in agony and in pain and in hunger…and all that is for forever.  I really would not want that for him nor for anyone, because I would not want that for myself.   And when you pray, remember that we have only one mediator and intercessor: he is JESUS CHRIST, to whom the Father God listens and with whom He is pleased (1 Timothy 2:5).

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