I am wife of one man whom I dearly love and respect, a daughter, an auntie, sister, cousin and friend, guitarist and singing voice for Jesus, a medical student, a street preacher, a redeemed by the blood of Christ, and a sojourner on this earth.
This blog is just a place to put my insights and reflections on this journey of a redeemed life, enduring firmly until the end. "You too, be patient and stand firm because the Lord's coming is near" (James 5:8).My husband and I currently live near Guadalajara, Mexico. Our lives have been transformed by the blood of Jesus, and surrendered to do the great commission God has on each believer's life: to preach His gospel all over the earth. You may be wondering why I set up a blog. If so, check out the reason for my blog to find out why. You might also want to read my Now & Then reflection post.