I must say that I have not read through the entire Old Testament section of the Bible.
Let me share with you that I am determined to go through it during these last few weeks of my year-long break from medical school. The plan is to read through it from Malachi in the mornings, and from Genesis in the evenings. I am currently reading through the book of Zechariah in the mornings, and in chapter 22 of Genesis. I have read the middle books of the Old Testament, and so that is why I am reading through the section the way I have planned out. It's been eye-opening and quite fulfilling reading through these books of the Bible. I pray that the Lord God would open my mind and understand His Word, that I may continue to grow in faith and be totally equipped to do the good works He's prepared in advance for me (all believers) to do, and that I may grow in discernment with godly wisdom to judge between what's of God and what's of the world and the false teachers/preachers/prophets.Here's a little song from Bethany Dillon called In The Beginning. I love the part that says: …for the Word is living and active…